Friday, November 6, 2009


While we were at the grocery store today,
I told Will we were going to get some pears.
He folded his arms for a prayer. What a good little boy!
Will loves Wendy's. He gets sad when we drive by and don't stop.
Today when we were leaving the grocery store,
I asked Will if he wanted to go get some chicken nuggets.
He told me "fries." He cracks me up!

Rocko's hoping to do some clean up.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Will was our dog Rocko (Gocko Gocko) for Halloween. He looked so cute!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

This is what happens...

when you leave Will alone for a few minutes.

Rocko probably had a weeks worth of treats before I caught them. Lucky dog!

This is actually the second time this has happened.
I think I learned my lesson this time!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

the cabin

We finally made it up to the cabin this summer. The weather was perfect so we spent a lot of time outside. It was so nice to get away and just relax all weekend.

Will reading cookbook magazines with Grandma. They like to pretend to eat the food in the pictures.

Will thought it was fun to put things through the cracks in the deck. I lost an earring up there. I bet it is somewhere under the deck!

Isn't that the cutest little airplane swing?

Will's first Rhino ride.

Friday, August 14, 2009

18 months

Will's Favorite Things:

cars, trucks, motorcycles, tractors, airplanes, and helicopters

playing with the hose

Blue Bear and blankies

doing laundry

feeding Rocko treats

Grandma's house


working in the yard with "dad dad"


Sunday, July 26, 2009

24th of July Weekend

We had a pretty good 24th weekend. We had a barbeque at my parents and lit some fireworks. Will just sat quietly and jumped a few times at the loud ones. At the very end I think he realized that it was fire and he started screaming and clapping. Too bad he didn't enjoy them that much the whole time! We let him do a sparkler and he loved it. Rocko didn't seem to mind the fireworks. I was very surprised.

I hardly ever post pictures of Curtis because he flips off the camera so I won't use the picture for anything. I was pretty ticked when I saw these pictures and Curtis couldn't stop laughing. I've decided to start doing some quick editing so I can still use the pictures. Maybe that will get him to stop doing that and I can finally get a cute family picture!

I got sick Friday night and ruined our plans to go boating and to the cabin :( I guess it was nice to have a relaxing weekend at home though. This is what Will spent a lot of the weekend doing. I think he would play with the hose all day if I would let him.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Happy Birthday Curtis!

On Curtis' birthday my mom watched Will while my dad, Curtis, and I took my dad's Rhino for a ride up Mineral Basin. We had so much fun. It was a beautiful ride, but a little bit scary at times!

Holy crap! You can't really tell from the picture, but the front wheel is about three feet off the ground. I really thought it was going to tip over. I don't know how my dad didn't laugh at the face I was making! I got out right after this :)

When we got back we had Five Guys Burgers and Fries for dinner. Will really wanted to eat the cajun fries. I was surprised he liked them, but he kept sticking out his tongue because it was hot.

Thanks for being such a wonderful husband and daddy. Happy birthday Curtis!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Grandpa's Birthday in the Canyon

We went up the canyon to celebrate my dad's birthday on Wednesday. It is so pretty up there, I don't know why we don't go more often.

Helping Grandpa start a fire

Wilbur sure enjoyed his watermelon!
Will was ticked pretty much the whole time because he wanted to touch the fire. He is a little obsessed!
Poor Rocko! We didn't realize that dogs aren't allowed in the canyon. He had to stay tied up in the car the whole time.
S'mores anyone?

Awhile ago, my dad started clapping his hands like he is in the picture and saying "sssssssnap." Will thought it was hilarious and has been doing it ever since. He just puts one arm up in the air and says "ssssssss," and wants you to do it back to him. He does it if I say anything about Grandpa and right when we pull up infront of his house. He also does it to anyone who makes eye contact with him at the store or at church.
Hope you had a happy birthday Dad. We love you!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Washing Cars with Daddy

Last night for family night we washed the cars - well, Curtis and Will washed the cars and I took pictures! Will is such a boy. He loves cars, trucks, motorcycles, and airplanes. He gets so excited walking through parking lots. He especially loves red cars and his daddy's red motorcycle. He's gotten pretty good at saying "vroooom vroooom" while he pushes his toy cars around.

What a good helper!

Curtis is such a fun daddy

Then it was time for a tubby and bed. (I was in a picture taking mood, so these are just pictures I thought were cute)!

Who needs bath toys when you have a cup?!?

A few weeks ago, Will decided to stop drinking milk (hopefully he'll change his mind soon). I decided it was a good time to stop giving him a bottle. I know your not supposed to let them have a bottle in their crib, but it was the only thing that would make him not cry himself to sleep. After a few nights of not having a bottle, he started to love getting into his crib. As soon as his Primary bedtime songs are turned on, and he's holding his favorite Blue Bear and the tag on his blankie, he dives for his crib with a huge smile on his face. It is the cutest thing ever! It is so nice to end the day happy :)

I love this little guy!

Monday, June 29, 2009

The Zoo

Today I took Will and the boy I'm babysitting this summer, Kyler, to the Zoo. Will loved it!

Eating Fruit Loops while looking at the giraffes

I think Will's favorite animal was the peacock. Every animal we saw he would point to it and say "this" or "that."
The train ride

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Will got his first big owie today. We were playing in my mom's backyard and he tripped on the grass and bonked his eye on a little kid chair. It wasn't a big fall, but he must have hit his eye just right to make a huge bump and bruise. He didn't cry very long. I think the OtterPops helped take his mind off it. Poor baby!

This is right after it happened

This is a few hours later at dinner

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Good News!

I think Will's gagging himself till he throws up phase is over. Yay!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Doggie Door

Will has been trying to go through the doggie door for awhile now, but I always grab his ankles and pull him back inside. I was afraid he would fall down the stairs head first, and I wanted to teach him that he's not supposed to go through it. Today I guess I just got curious what would happen if I just let him do it. (Good parenting, huh?!) He actually turned himself around as he went through it and slid down the stairs on his tummy. He was pretty proud of himself. I guess now I don't have to worry about him getting hurt if I don't get to him in time. Or I could just keep the cover over the doggie door when Rocko's not using it, but what fun is that?

Notice all the toys he's put through the door. If we ever can't find something, we know where to look!

Will's been trying to step down and up from little steps. He's gotten pretty good at it and he is perma-grin the whole time he is doing it. As soon as he got outside today he tried stepping off the deck, which is a pretty big step. I kept telling him to turn on his tummy, but he was determined. We thought that he would figure it out after he fell a few times, but that never stopped him. Atleast the grass is a soft landing!

Here are some other pictures that I think are funny. Oh, the joys of having a dog!

Notice the wet pants and socks. Sometimes you just have to let them do whatever will keep them busy for a little while :)