Tuesday, August 25, 2009

the cabin

We finally made it up to the cabin this summer. The weather was perfect so we spent a lot of time outside. It was so nice to get away and just relax all weekend.

Will reading cookbook magazines with Grandma. They like to pretend to eat the food in the pictures.

Will thought it was fun to put things through the cracks in the deck. I lost an earring up there. I bet it is somewhere under the deck!

Isn't that the cutest little airplane swing?

Will's first Rhino ride.


Mike and Shayla said...

Cute pictures! We would love to maybe tag along sometime when you are going up there. Is Squish the Bear still hanging on the balcony railing?

The Frame Family said...

How fun! I love that airplane swing! Ko would just DIE if he saw that swing!

Anonymous said...

How fun, Cute Pictures!