Friday, December 5, 2008


Today I took Will to the Festival of Trees with my old school kids. It was fun to see the kids and everyone I used to work with. This was Will's first time seeing Santa. I couldn't get a smile out of him, but atleast he didn't cry!
This is one of my old students William. He loves "Baby Will" - I think because they have the same name! I called him from the hospital when I had Will to tell him what I named the baby. He was so excited he screamed!
I love those little teeth!


Lauren said...

Sydney and I were at the Festival today too! It's so fun to see students you taught again--I see some of my kindergarteners at Walmart now and then and they get so excited when they see Sydney.

Anonymous said...

So Cute! I didn't know you taught, how cool!

BECKY said...

Will is so sweet. Jason was a little panicky with Santa last year, so we're crossing our fingers that he won't freak out this year. Hope to see you soon!!!

The Ashby's said...

What a cute picture of Will and Santa. He is so photogenic.

The Frame Family said...

He looks so cute in his sweater :)!! I need to take Ko to see Santa soon! That's great that he didn't cry!!